donderdag 14 februari 2019

Happy Valentine's Day!

💕Hello everyone💕,

I'm not a big fan of commercial holidays like Valentine's Day, it's just too much for me. Maybe it's because I'm Dutch, it's definitely not as big over here as it is in the States for example. But I also feel that you should show your love for someone you care for on a daily basis, not just go over the top on one special day. Buying expensive gifts etc.. it just doesn't feel right to me. But I have to admit, I have sent cards in the past, just a sweet little message for the one I was with. I guess that's what you were 'meant' to do on Valentine's Day?
Nowadays, me and my guy sometimes do a little something for Valentine's Day, but it doesn't have to be especially on the 14th of February though. Often it's on the 15th of a random month, because that's the day (in November) we got together 5 years ago. 

💖But..... this Valentine's Day I do like to bring gifts... for you to download.💖😁

This kit was originally from 2017, so that's relatively new, but I have adjusted it a bit and added some new elements.  It's not a huge kit, but definitely a complete kit, with lots of useful stuff in it I think. There are 4 parts, and you can download 2 parts on here and the other 2 parts on my Facebook Group to complete the kit. I hope you like it! 💕

xx Marjan xx

DOWNLOAD HERE (66 downloads)

GO TO FACEBOOK (69 downloads)

GO TO FACEBOOK (66 downloads)

DOWNLOAD HERE (60 downloads)

18 opmerkingen:

  1. Thank you :) These are so pretty :)

  2. Thank you. I think all your kits are beautiful. I am just sorry I found out about you so late, missed a few of you beautiful kits.
    God Bless

    1. Every now and then I re-upload some of my older kits, so no worries, there's always a chance you can still get them!

  3. Thank you for this beautiful kit. I just found you recently-your work is beautiful and you are so generous!

  4. Thank you so much, it´s a beautiful kit! Thanks so much for making and sharing this.

  5. This is lovely!! Thanks so much for sharing it!!!

  6. Чудесный набор!Большое спасибо за все ваши прекрасные подарки!

  7. This is so pretty! Thank you so much!

  8. This kit is lovely. I hope you are all well, because I see you have not posted anything since 14 Feb. God Bless.

  9. Bonjour ! J'espère que vous allez bien, car plus de nouvelles de vous depuis la st-valentin ! A bientôt, j'espère. Michèle

  10. merci du partage
